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South Central Addition


The City of Dallas identified the need to improve access to the South Central Addition of Dallas often interrupted at the Union Pacific Railroad (UPRR) crossing leading to the neighborhood.  The City of Dallas retained APM as prime consultant to study the feasibility of alternatives aimed at providing direct and uninterrupted access and alleviate unsafe driving conditions at the Loop 12 and Carbondale Road entrance.  The Study included the establishment of schematic designs for various alternatives. Upon concurrence with APM recommendations, the City retained APM to provide the Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E) for the project which included the new Linfield Road Bridge over the UPRR.  The bridge utilized TxDOT, Type C beams, 420-feet long with a maximum span of 90 feet and included 300 L.F. of retaining walls up to 17 feet high at both ends. APM provided the design for 4-lane divided roadway adjourning the bridge.  Under a separate contract with the Dallas Water Utilities, APM provided the design for water and wastewater mains replacement within the project limits.


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