APM was engaged as part of the DMJM/EJES Joint Venture to provide engineering services related to the improvements at both Terminal B and Terminal E at the airport. For our portion of the work, we were the lead structural engineer conducting assessments that verify the stability of the structural systems, verification of the suitability of the existing parking facilities at both of these terminals and we assessed and made recommendations for the redesign of the structural beams and slabs at these facilities. In addition, we have produced the as-built cad backgrounds for the floors, sections and elevations for garages A, B, and C. We also analyzed and designed long term repairs for the garages including water-proofing measures and structural repair of the post-tensioned members at the facilities. Additionally, we have been actively involved in the construction administration of the modifications made to these areas at the airport.
APM was then tasked with providing design drawings and specifications for approximately 1300 LF of channel improvements, including an additional box culvert at each of three street crossings over the channel. In addition, APM provided construction management services during the installation of the new drainage system.
APM responsibilities included the development of concrete specifications and mix design, and quality assurance and calculation check for the design of the prestressed U-beam superstructure, cast-in-place substructure, post-tensioned bent caps, and the emergency walkway. In addition, APM was involved with the structural steel design of the stations at each of the terminals. APM senior level engineers were also involved with developing the structural specifications, reviewing contractor submittals and peer review of final drawings.