Singleton Blvd. from Hampton Road to Canada Drive
(Dallas, TX)
APM & Associates was selected by the Dallas County to complete the Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E) for Singleton Boulevard reconstruction from Hampton Road to Canada Drive in West Dallas, a project length of 1.77 miles. The project was included in the 1991 Dallas County Bond Program. The corridor consists largely of industrial and commercial businesses and is included in the City of Dallas thoroughfare plan as a major arterial. The existing roadway is 36 to 38 feet wide, marked for three lanes with the center lane used for left turns only. The proposed improvement will widen Singleton Boulevard within these limits to a 5-lane undivided thoroughfare with a continuous left turn center lane. The project includes amenities to address gateway and identity structures and features including street pavers, planting and irrigation, graphics signage and street furniture. The County also plans to add off-street public parking along the corridor to accommodate merchant’s parking displaced by the improvement.
To accommodate drainage runoff from the improvement, APM also performed hydraulic study of the off-site drainage system to determine its capacity to handle flows from the 100-year flood. The study outlined future improvements to the entire off-site drainage system and those that can be undertaken with this improvement. The project ties-in with the TxDOT’s extension of Woodall Rodgers Freeway and its signature bridges.