Dallas, TX
APM was a member of a joint venture partnership, PGTS, selected by DART/ ACT 21 to provide professional, technical, managerial, administrative and other services required for the final design of a line section Southeast 2 (SE-2). The SE-2 alignment consists of approximately 5.8 miles of double Light Rail Track (LRT) between Hatcher Street and Buckner Boulevard in the City of Dallas. It extends within DART right-of-way through several parklands. Therefore, the design involved compliance with applicable mitigation measures, identified in the Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS), including preservation of trees and animals, protection of floodplains and streams. Design of LRT bridges was required for five streets and stream crossings and one bridge for freight track relocation.
Hydrology/Hydraulic Studies were required at two creek crossings and at-grade crossing modifications at several streets. Additional services included the evaluation of existing structures specifically bridges, retaining walls and civil related structures. The five-year contract was estimated at $180 million and supports DART’s $2.3 billion capital expansion program which will double the size of the light rail transit system.In Addition, APM also provided the hydraulic analysis for all FEMA drainage structure located within Segment 3, which were approximately 80% of the alignment. That included 9 proposed bridge locations, 5 culvert extensions and the new station at Northside which were all located within the floodplain. These 15 locations, which proposed improvements within the FEMA designated floodplains had hydraulic modeling completed for the existing and proposed conditions as well as provided coordination with the local authority having jurisdiction. APM also was responsible for the design and specification development for all of the drainage systems to be improved along this portion of the alignment. This included culverts, drainage pipes and swales and the drainage system that carried the storm water generated from the tracks along this section.