F.P. Lucas Boulevard from McKenzie Drive to Cartwright Road (Mesquite, TX)(2005)
APM & Associates was selected by Dallas County to complete Plans, Specifications and Estimates (PS&E) for the construction of F.P. Lucas Boulevard from McKenzie Drive to Cartwright Road in the City of Mesquite – a project length of 1.6 miles. The project involves reconstructing an existing 2-lane asphalt road with side ditches to a 6-lane divided thoroughfare with concrete curb and gutter in an enclosed storm drainage system. The project also involved designing a new bridge to compliment an existing bridge recently constructed by the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) which would carry in one direction. F.P. Lucas crosses the South Mesquite Creek, a major waterway that requires hydraulic study. Because the roadway traverses a vast floodplain abutting the Creek, it was necessary to obtain US Corps of Engineers and FEMA permits. The project area is mostly undeveloped with winding, steep terrain, and it was a joint effort between Dallas County and the City of Mesquite. Part of APM’s design effort was coordination to ensure that the objectives of all stakeholders are met and the concerns of adjacent property owners were addressed.